How HSPs and Introverts Should Deal with Toxic People

hsp and toxic people

Anyone can find it difficult to deal with toxic people, but introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) may find it especially difficult. Maintaining your mental and emotional health depends on being aware of the warning signs of toxicity and knowing how to handle these interactions. Identifying Toxic People When we consider toxic people, we frequently … Read more

Symptoms of a Highly Sensitive Child: My Daughter’s Path

Highly Sensitive Child Symptoms 

Being able to understand and help a highly sensitive child can be satisfying and challenging. Through the experiences of my daughter, who is a very sensitive child, this post will focus on the signs of high sensitivity. Her experience reflects the distinct characteristics and actions frequently displayed by kids with high sensitivity levels. Since I am … Read more

Developing Emotional Intelligence: How to Help Your Child Handle Strong Emotions

Emotional Sensitivity

Big-emotional children frequently find it difficult to control their emotions, which can result in tantrums, outbursts, and resistance. I know how difficult it can be for parents to help their children at these very emotional periods, as my three-and-a-half-year-old daughter is a highly sensitive child. Through the application of many techniques, kids can be trained … Read more